
How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me. ~ Zora Neale Hurston

21 March 2006

the truth

God does not expose our sin to condemn us; He's already judged Christ.

He exposes our sin in order to root it out of our lives so that He may have a place to grow righteousness in us.

18 March 2006

new thoughts on march sadness

It has recently been brought to my attention that the University of Kansas basketball players may have not quite been with it when they played Bradley in the first round due to recent tornadoes that affected parts of their campus. (Though I maintain that there were only strong winds...) I'm sure the players were worried sick about the damage to campus and how the university plans to fund the rebuilding. Yeah, that's probably it....

17 March 2006

the love of my life!

It's official. I have fallen in love .... with the Dukes of Hazzard, that is. Perhaps some of you know this. Perhaps some of you (Patrick!) have recently read about my affinity for these Georgia boys of old. But I wanted to make it official and to update others who have been spreading rumors about me (Max!).

Of course, I'm talking about the original Dukes: Tom Wopat, John Schneider. Even Catherine Bach.

I have compiled a list of reasons for the development of my affiinity:
1. We have the ORIGINAL Dukes card game. Unfortunately, we don't have the instructions, so no one's exactly sure how to play.
2. The show and I share the same sense of humor.
3. Bo and Luke Duke. Seriously, what female is not attracted to a character who has a rhyming name?
4. I can check out Season 1 and Season 2 from the Hays Public Library for FREE.
5. I'm only 20 years behind in liking them.
6. The General. 'Nuff said.
7. I own Season 3.
8. "Enos, this is your superior officer, Roscooo P. Coltrane. You got your ears on?"
9. Daisy Duke of yesteryear wore more clothes than Jessica Simpson.
10. The wisdom of Uncle Jesse. I'm surprised there's not a book called "Everything I Know About (insert event here), I Learned From Uncle Jesse." Perhaps there is such a book. I should google it.
11. The episode where Rosco tries to slide across the car hood like Bo and Luke always do, but he rolls onto the ground. Ha Ha!
12. Boss Hogg's speed traps always seem to trap the best entertainment, especially the Oak Ridge Boys. (wink, wink ... Nancy, Donna)

Yep, so just making the list and checking it twice has made me want to watch the Dukes. I guess I'll have to.

P.S. The only downer to this love: I heard on the radio that Tom Wopat was arrested for a DUI in New Jersey recently. Too bad Hazzard County isn't reality.

march sadness

Maybe KU should start as a #14 or #13 seed in next year's Road to the Final Four. It seems those teams have better luck in KU tournament games. I doubt it's too early to put in a request for a seat of 13 or higher for 2007. I guess they have plenty of time to think about it as they watch the Shockers. Go State.

08 March 2006

first post

Not to be intentionally misleading, but obviously this is not the first post I've ever made. But it is the first one my new Chinese baby! She is so sweeeet! (to be said with Josiah's voice intonations). This post is brought to you free of charge by GloverNet. :o)

Moving on ... there's a lot to be learning. I have ask Father to create stronger relationships with me in a couple of different areas in my life. My prayers were whole-hearted and I really want these relationships to grow deeper and be more fruitful. I just wish I had known when I asked that He was going to start by changing me. So maybe that's obvious to everyone else, but rest assured, now it is painfully obvious to me. I'm learning that I'm not the great leader that the Ldrs Studies Dept pumps out. I have learned that I need to curb my "enabling", especially enabling people to use me. I have learned that sometimes it comes down to choosing not to care, and that is my choice. Love covers a multitude of sins, right?

Really it's all about choice. Our choices lead to obedience. Choose to abide in light or choose darkness; choose live life or choose death; choose walk in blessings or choose cursings. Not making a choice defaults my decisions as the latter. But it really is my choice. God is only interested in a real love, that means one has the option to not love. He has established His kingdom now. I can choose to participate now. Participating is not as hard as I think or as hard as I make it out to be. Engaging with God is being open to talk with Him when He has something to say. It's asking what's on His mind as opposing to rambling off what's on mine. It's asking for the Holy Spirit to be empowered and walking the empowerment as He opens opportunities. It's thinking the same as God; aligning our thought patterns with His.

I know this much to be true: He is the God who keeps all His promises. He will never leave me or forsake me. He has promised to never let me walk off without bringing me back. He thinks I'm beautiful. I am His. He has called me by name. He has given me the tongue of the learned. He likes me.

05 March 2006

day late and a dollar short

Happy March 4th, the only day that tell you to go forward, to everyone!! Better luck on the timeliness next year. :o)

03 March 2006

my chinese baby

I have GREAT news! My very own Chinese baby will be here on Monday!! To see a picture of her, click here. What a beauty!