
How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me. ~ Zora Neale Hurston

15 December 2005

Shout out!

Hey friends in my Multimedia Production class! I know that you will be reading this today, so I hope that you enjoy the show. I have enjoyed being in class with the five of you this semester. Ladies, you are fabulous and amazing. Jack, thanks for teaching us to navigate our way through Macs and eZedia.QTI. I'm sure that we will all learn Dreamweaver asap so that we don't have to keep working in eZedia. :o) Thanks for your friendship. Merry Christmas!!

14 December 2005


Yay for finals finally being over! Ok, so that's tomorrow, but until then, I don't have a lot to do. Only make my informal presentations over my semester projects, shake some hands (or give high fives in my case), cry some tears (of relief that school's over), and bid 'adios' to my classmates. Shouldn't be too difficult. :o)

This semester has taught me, grown me, and stretched me in more ways that I ever expected. For those who met me in the past, you may not recognize me today. God bless everyone who's been involved in His master educational plan.

P.S. Welcome home, Corinne!