
How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me. ~ Zora Neale Hurston

27 April 2005

Favorite Holiday

After a brief discussion with a good friend, I have decided that one of my favorite holidays is coming. It's coming soon. While most people forget it, (myself included) I think that it screams or at least surprises of flowers and baskets. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm speaking of May Day. Most enjoyable about this particular day is the sneaky-ness of it: leave the MD basket on the porch, ring the doorbell, go and hide without getting caught. The process is so simple, yet leaves a fantastic bundle of joy for the surprisee. If one is delivering to people who live far away, the process is a little more tricky, requiring the ability to squeal tires as one drives away. Or I suppose investing in a camouflaged Hummer would make deliveries easy because then one could observe the awe of discovery when the door is opened.

On a side note: here's a shout out to new readers Elise, Angela, and Tuck (some of whom are not so new). Thanks for your avid readership.

26 April 2005

No title

I am scrambling around, trying to think of something to post. I am after all, the worst at daily postings. (As if the faithful cannot tell...) But here's a good topic for me to express my views: the lawnmower. Now, of course, many families in the United States own them, and so does mine. I am not much for yardwork, though. I like to leave that to my parents. But my parents' lawn in their new "home" is a 4 foot by 12 foot plot of land with a drop off behind their apartment. So that leaves me to tend to their full sized yard in Hays, America. I really like grass and yards when they look nice, but that is the biggest problem right now. Ours looks not so great. And do you want to know why? Do you really want to know why, pal? It's because of the lawnmower. Ours, much to my dismay, is not a key ignition kind of start. Nope, it's the good ole pull string. And, honestly, I just don't have the strength to pull it to start the silly thing. And calling my pop in NM crying doesn't seem to help either. Then comes Sam to the rescue, I hope. Lawnmowing is one of his most amazing skills. And while I wait for him to come home and help me out, I think I'll just push our lawnmower unstarted over the 9 inch tall grass, just to make sure that it will still cover them. That is, as long as I still have time to blog.

21 April 2005

To be worthy of a read...

I have recently been informed that in order to be a daily read for the mysterious :), one must blog at least once a day. And I will have you know that last night, I had type out yesterday's thoughts. Due to computer problems, the post was not posted and so, here I am attempting for today. I hope that :) is pleased with the effort, even though the execution seems a little slacky.

I am pleased to announce that my parents actually did check out this blog, and though they have yet to advance technologically to leave a comment, they are very much up-to-date on identifying my typing errors. Thanks, Mom! I probably should have included a disclaimer when this blog was created, but maybe I'll just change name. I often leave out words when I type/write because my brain thinks faster than my fingers can move. Honestly, I think it's the distance between the nerves in the brain that command my hands to move and nerves in my fingers that receive the transmission. But, alas, for all the avid readers, please be advised that when my writing doesn't make sense, one should always try to conjecture the meaning of what I am trying to write rather than the actuality of what was written. Thank you.

Today was the Trike-A-Thon at the Hays Area Children's Center. As a part of the Non-Profit Public Relations class, I was required to attend the races (though it really was more like mass pandomonium that races with toddlers and preschoolers driving everywhere on tricycles). Those kids are fearless when it comes to riding their trikes, and amusingly enough, they are very fearful when it comes to shaking the hand of Victor E. Tiger, the mascot of Fort Hays State University. Now this feline is as harmless as cotton candy is to the tongue, but to hear one little toddler girl in the hallway say, "I'm scared..." to which her teacher (unaware of the massive cat lurking only steps away) says, "Why are you scared?" "Because there's a tiger!" was a little bit more than I could handle. Praise God for such creations!

19 April 2005

We got trouble with a capital T!

So I know that I'm part of the generation who can easily operate computers, but the last 30 minutes I have spent manipulating this particular Macintosh to do what I want has created for me a headache. Gee, thanks, Malloy Hall 108. I'm beginning to understand how my favorite boss feels when she even looks at a computer. Generally she and computers don't get along.

I'm trying to decide if cramming is an art form or a sign of mere laziness. Probably more of the latter, but nevertheless, I gave it my best shot today as I tested. I am proud of my effort because this particular class is of no interest to me and is only a requirement because the Communication Studies dept. is so small that it must include theatre, journalism, public relations and advertising. (The last of which, until recently, was included in the public relations emphasis, even though they are two different areas). Today's effort definitely deserves a pat on the back as there were no suddenly losses in crammed memory. I remember it long enough to regurgitate it on the test. That is what will bring in the good grades.

I have informed my parents of my blog, and encouraged them to check it out. I don't know if they have, but here's my shout out to them! Hi Mom! Hi Dad! (to be read as if on tv for 15 seconds of fame) You can leave a post if you want to, just click on leave a comment. I love you guys! We should teach Skeeter to blog. That would be fun! He would really enjoy it!

18 April 2005

I did it!

Well, it's time that I join the rest of society and start the blogging game. I probably wouldn't except that I in Tomanek 123 right now and there is a huge campus tour going on. They just came in and interrupted me in my quiet, peaceful setting, and I am too embarrassed to get up and leave while someone is talking to them about having to buy laptops and cell phones through FHSU. So with nothing else to do online while I wait for my escape, I am succumbing, not to peer pressure (as I haven't felt any from anyone about not blogging), but to my own pressures of discovering a way to increase my creative capacity through writing. Not to mention the increase in typing speed and online editing skills. Ok ... I think it's safe. P.S. I really like ellipsis.